Attention Frustrated Traders, who are a part of Telegram Groups and using top-notch strategies but still failing to make profits!

Our “Pivot Liquidity System” Helps Traders Like You To Make ₹2,00,000+ in 60 Days or LessGUARANTEED!!

(Without a huge trading balance, expensive indicators, hard guessing, or the Inky Pinky Ponky)


Book Your Consultation with the Creator of “The PLS System

Block Your Slot Before Time Runs Out To Be Added To The “Yet To Be Funded – $10,000” List!


Did I mention that The PLS System is already being used by over 1800+ Traders across the world, collectively making over 1 Million Dollars In Profit?

Let me introduce you to one of them!

( This is not my story. This is the story of a very common ex-unsuccessful trader like you who is now living his dream life! )

Meet Harpreet!

Harpreet is a common business professional like you, interested in trading and wanting to build a side gig.

Just like many others, he joined multiple trading groups and bought several indicators…

Which led to a loss of INR 2,50,000. To clear that and fulfill other needs, he took a loan of INR 5,00,000 in 2022.

At the lowest point of his life, he approached us for help and we onboarded him.

In no time, he started making INR 3,00,000 consistently every month and cleared his loan within 6 months of joining us.

And that’s not all. Joining us helped him:

✅ Achieve financial freedom within a year
✅ Buy his parents a new home
✅ Attain time and location freedom
✅ Live his dream life

Do you know the one thing Harpreet did to live a dream life through trading within 6 months?
Stop your wild guesses -> He just did what you’re about to do! Booked a consultation with me!

Book your 45-minute life-changing consultation with me today!

How important is booking an appointment with me today?

I don’t have to convince you. Listen to what OTHERS have to say!

[ Others (ˈʌðəz) (pronoun): People like You Who Entered This Landing Page and booked my consultation without thinking twice, unlike you who are still thinking! ]

If you’re still scrolling through this page…

without already booking my consultation, you need to hear what I have to say!

Meet Ibrahim Shaikh!

Hey, This is Ibrahim! A trader who trades with experience and the right knowledge.

My marketing team asked me to share all my achievements and accolades, but I never did…

This is not about me… This is about you…

An individual doubting himself…

🤔 If this is the right career path

🤔 If this can bring side income

🤔 If you can live a dream life with this

🤔 If you still want to give trading a second chance

These are the self-doubts poking in your mind, and I know that’s why you’re still reading this section without booking my consultation.

If any of the above scenarios apply to you, stick with me…

I was exactly like you 12 years ago…

I started my trading journey and thought I would also make profits like others did, but to my surprise/shock…

I incurred a huge loss!

With a positive mindset, I realized I needed a reliable strategy and started reading books and blogs online…

This time, I started making profits… INCONSISTENTLY!!

As time passed, a huge blow struck me, making me lose all the profits I made in the last 6 months!

That is when I realized:

Right information is better than more information.

I then found a mentor (who is one of the world’s prominent FOREX traders).

Fast forward to today, I’m making thousands of dollars annually… CONSISTENTLY!!

What is the one thing that got me here today?

Choosing the right necessary knowledge over having more unnecessary knowledge!

Wondering where to gain the right knowledge? —> THE PROFIT EDGE UNIVERSITY

Book your consultation with me today and see if you’re eligible to transform your life!